Please adhere to the following guidelines when posting in our course discussion forums.
It's COOL to be KIND.
We LOVE the diversity of our community and we understand that we will have our differences. However, our ethos is to ALWAYS communicate with respect, courtesy, and kindness. This is a place for encouragement, support, and empowerment ONLY. Hate speech, bullying, shaming, or any other form of disrespect will NOT be tolerated. We have the right to remove any comments that go against these guidelines.
Respect everyone's privacy.
We want you to connect, but we really value privacy. Please be respectful or everyone's individual privacy. Please refrain from sharing others' posts outside of the course platform.
Solicitation sucks.
We know you rock :) So, in the best interests of our community... Spam, self-promotion, affiliate links, and solicitations are not permitted and will be removed immediately from our discussion forums.
Medical advice.
Please refrain from offering medical advice or diagnosing other people and/or their families based on comments they have made in the discussion forums. The information shared in our courses is for information purposes only; do not rely on course content or discussion posts as medical advice. If you have a concern, please see a licensed medical professional. Comments that go against these guidelines will be removed.